About US
Supporting our Pasifika community to lead healthy and independent lives.
Tangata Atumotu is Canterbury’s longest-standing Pasifika provider, so we understand and know our community’s specific needs.
We also know that the barriers that prevent our community from achieving optimal health outcomes are complex and include a range of health, social, and economic factors. That’s why Tangata Atumotu works in partnership with the many sectors that play a major role in shaping health outcomes for our community.
Our Beginnings
The organisation began as a specific healthcare project for the Pacific Island community living within the Christchurch city boundary.
In May 2000 the organisation (consisting of an executive committee and two Full Time Employment (FTE) nurses), became an incorporated society, called the Pacific Community Health Project Incorporated (PCHPI). The fledgling organisation relied on the Union and Community Health Centre (UCHC) to provide much of the management and administrative support.
Following a Needs Assessment Review conducted by the 4PM Group under the Ministry of Health’s “Pacific Provider Development” funded programme in early 2002, the organisation decided to change direction and seek autonomy while maintaining strategic links with the UCHC.
In January 2003 the organisation reregistered as a trust and renamed itself TANGATA ATUMOTU TRUST (TAT), which means “People from the Islands.” The organisation was a founding member of the Canterbury Community Primary Health organisation (CCPHO).
You can now find us at the Knox Centre, 28 Bealey Avenue, Christchurch.
Nursing in a Pacific way
Kai Tiaki Nursing New Zealand has written a great profile on our history, and how we're delivering high quality nursing care to patients with chronic conditions, many of whom have high and complex needs.
Our Vision
healthy, thriving and connected pasifika people.
Our Mission
Navigating The Waters Together.