Ōtautahi Pacific General Assembly ‘an experience of kotahitanga’
Kapa haka group performs a bracket on-stage at the Ōtautahi Pacific General Assembly
In August, TAT had the privilege of hosting a Pacific General Assembly here in Ōtautahi, facilitated by Mahi Moana co-founders Hon. Aupito Sua William Sio and Tauʻiliʻili Maiava.
The event followed an inaugural fono earlier in the year brought on by a call for ‘kotahitanga’ from the late Māori King, Te Arikinui Kīngi Tūheitia (Moe mai rā).
We were happy to see a ‘truly diverse’ group of representatives present from our local Māori and Pacific communities, and relished the opportunity to exchange kōrero about the future of Tangata Whenua and Tangata Moana relations in Aotearoa.
Led by Hon. Aupito Sua Wiliam Sio, the talanoa highlighted the whanaungatanga and whakapapa ties between our peoples – past, present and future – and how our wider Pacific communities can come together to uphold Te Tiriti and protect mana motuhake.
Discussions centered around some big questions, including the subject of choosing a local organisation to represent our Ōtautahi Pacific community at future Mahi Moana events – including significant annual events, Waitangi Day and Koroneihana.
We are grateful to Mahi Moana for the opportunity to host this event, and to all organisations and community representatives present.
We look forward to further fono where we can continue to 'teu le vā', nurture the relationships between our communities.